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Rothmannia wittii

Rothmannia wittii


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Witt’s Bell Gardenia
Synonyme: Randia wittii
(5 Korn)

laubabwerfender Strauch oder kleiner Baum bis zu 7 m mit dichter, rundlicher Krone und gegenständig angeordneten, großen, eiförmigen bis elliptischen, ledrigen, glänzend tiefgrünen Blättern. Die süßlich duftenden, großen, glockenförmigen, 5-petaligen, weißen Blüten, innen mit purpurfarben gefleckten Zipfeln und grünlich-gelbem Schlund erscheinen in Büscheln in den Blattachseln, denen eßbare, große runde, grüne Früchte folgen

Family:  Rubiaceae Krappgewächse Evergreen:  no
Origin:  South-East Asia Fragrance:  yes
Group:  Shrub Flower:  white, white-cream, white-yellowish
Zone:  11 Flowering: 
Hibernate:  mind. 15-20°C Fruits: 
To use as:  Topfgarten, Wintergarten Locations:  full sun to sun
Toxic:  Rare: 

Sowing Instruction
Propagation: Seeds
Sowing Time: all year round
Sowing Deep: ca. 2-3 mm in deep clay pots
Sowing Mix: 40% coarse quartz sand, grain size 1mm, 40% perlite, grain size 1mm, 20% basalt chips. Wash the substrate thoroughly, let dry completely half of them, the other half kept moist, both sides mix well
Alternative: For better drainage add 5 cm coarse gravel in the bottom of clay pots
Germination Temperature: ca. 20-28°C (daytime) + night setback to 5-8°C
Location: bright + keep constant slightly moist, not wet
Germination Time: ca. 2-4 weeks
Culture: germinated seeds 2x at intervals of 3-4 days watering with a fungicide, as the seedlings are prone to fungal attack When the seedlings raised and develop the first leaves to keep the surface moist by spraying
Note: If the pots are subject to severe dehydration, may also be a little cautious, however, most are water with a small watering can.
Aug 27. Tuesday, 2013
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