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Eriobotrya japonica*

Eriobotrya japonica*
Japanische Wollmispel, Brasilianische Aprikose, Loquat, Nispero

immergrüner Baum bis ca. 8 m mit wechselständig angeordneten, bis zu 25 cm langen, oberseits glänzend tiefgrünen, unterseits filzig grau behaarten Blättern mit einer bemerkenswerten, ausgeprägten Nervatur und weißen Blüten in endständigen Rispen, gefolgt von pflaumengroßen, gelblich-oangefarbenen, eßbaren Früchten mit leicht säuerlichem Geschmack

Option Preis Bestellmenge
10 Korn
temporarily out of stock
100 Korn
temporarily out of stock
incl. 7% VAT*, plus shipping costs
Family:  Rosaceae Rosengewächse Evergreen:  yes
Origin:  Asia Fragrance:  yes
Group:  Tree Flower:  white, white-cream, white-yellowish
Zone:  8 Flowering:  Frühjahr-Sommer
Hibernate:  bis zu -10°C Fruits:  Beeren
To use as:  Garten, Topfgarten, Wintergarten Locations:  full sun to semi-shade
Toxic:  Rare: 

Sowing Instruction
Propagation: Seeds/Grafting
Pre-Treatment: 0
Sowing Time: all year round > only fresh seeds germinate reliably
Sowing Deep: ca. 1-2 cm
Sowing Mix: Coir or sowing mix + sand or perlite
Germination Temperature: ca. 22-25°C
Location: bright + keep constant slightly moist only, not wet, seeds mold easily
Germination Time: ca. 3-6 weeks
Irrigation: in the growing season richly water
Fertilization: weekly 0,2%ig or long-term fertilizer
Pests: Aphids, Scale insects, Mealy bugs, Spider mites > especially under glass
Substrate: potting soil + sand or perlite
Culture: bright at approx. 5-15ºC + keep constantly moist

Older specimens light at about 0-5ºC and water only enough so that the root ball does not dry out completely. In mild regions, it is possible to plant outdoors in the sunniest possible location or in front of a warm house wall

Note: With prolonged frost period a winter protection is recommended
Jun 2. Friday, 2023
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Eriobotrya japonica*
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