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Edithcolea grandis

Edithcolea grandis


incl. 7% VAT*
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Persian Carpet Flower
(10 Korn)

immergrüne, mehrjährige, sukkulente Pflanze bis zu 30 cm mit 5-winkeligem Stamm und bis zu 8 cm großen, weiß-purpur-braun gesprenkelten, zart behaarten Blüten, die einen unangenehmen Duft verströmen

Family:  Apocynaceae Hundsgiftgewächse früher: Asclepiadaceae Evergreen:  yes
Origin:  Africa Fragrance:  yes
Group:  Succulent Flower:  multicolor
Zone:  10 Flowering: 
Hibernate:  mind. 5-10°C Fruits: 
To use as:  Topfgarten, Wintergarten, Zimmerkultur Locations:  sun to semi-shade
Toxic:  Rare: 

Sowing Instruction
Propagation: Seeds/Cuttings
Sowing Time: all year round
Sowing Deep: cover only slightly with substrate
Sowing Mix: Coir, cactus soil or sowing mix + 2/3 sand or perlite
Germination Temperature: ca. 20-25°C
Location: bright + keep constant slightly moist, not wet
Germination Time: ca. 2-4 weeks
Pests: Spider mites > especially under glass
Jan 17. Tuesday, 2012
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