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Solanum catombelense

Solanum catombelense


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Tarong pasai, Ram-begun, Basula, Mala-batu
(10 Korn)

immergrüner, krautiger, in allen Teilen bedornter Strauch bis zu 60 cm mit samtig behaarten Zweigen und wechselständig angeordneten, ebenfalls samtig behaarten ovalen Blättern mit groben Ausbuchtungen und achselständigen, kleinen weißen bis violetten Blüten. Aus den Blüten entwickeln sich bei Reife orangefarbene bis scharlachrote Beerenfrüchte

Family:  Solanaceae Nachtschattengewächse Evergreen:  yes
Origin:  Africa Fragrance:  yes
Group:  Shrub Flower:  white, white-cream, white-yellowish
Zone:  9 Flowering:  Sommer
Hibernate:  mind. 5-10°C Fruits:  Beeren
To use as:  Topfgarten, Wintergarten Locations:  sun to semi-shade
Toxic:  unreife Früchte, Milchsaft Rare:  yes

Sowing Instruction
Propagation: Seeds/Cuttings
Pre-Treatment: soak ca. 2-4 h in lukewarm water
Sowing Time: all year round > spring preferred
Sowing Deep: cover only slightly with substrate
Sowing Mix: Coir or sowing mix + sand or perlite
Germination Temperature: ca. 25°C
Location: bright + keep constantly moist, not wet
Germination Time: ca. 3-6 weeks
Irrigation: in the growing season richly water
Fertilization: weekly 0,2%ig or long-term fertilizer
Pests: Spider mites > especially under glass
Substrate: potting soil + sand or perlite
Culture: bright at approx. 15-20°C + keep constantly moist
Overwintering: Older specimens bright at approx. 10-15°C and just so much water that the root ball not dries out completely.
Nov 25. Sunday, 2012
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