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Leycesteria formosa 'Gold Leaf'

Leycesteria formosa 'Gold Leaf'


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Falsche Muskatnuss, Himalayan Honeysuckle, Elisha's Tears
(10 Korn)

laubabwerfender Staude oder Strauch bis zu 2 m mit hohlen Stengeln und überhängenden Zweigen, bestehend aus ovalen, spitz zulaufenden, ca. 15 cm langen Blättern. Die end- und achselständigen, leicht duftenden, glockenförmigen, weißen Blüten mit purpurroten Deckblättern erscheinen in langen, hängenden Trauben, denen eßbare purpurrot-schwarze Beerenfrüchte folgen
Family:  Caprifoliaceae Geißblattgewächse Evergreen:  no
Origin:  Asia Fragrance:  yes
Group:  Shrub Flower:  white, white-cream, white-yellowish
Zone:  7 Flowering:  Sommer-Herbst
Hibernate:  bis zu -10°C Fruits:  Beeren
To use as:  Garten, Topfgarten, Wintergarten Locations:  sun to semi-shade
Toxic:  Rare: 

Sowing Instruction
Propagation: Seeds/Cuttings/Division
Pre-Treatment: 0
Stratification: ca. 1-2 months in moist sowing mix at 2-5°C in the fridge or unheated greenhouse
Sowing Time: all year round > spring/fall preferred
Sowing Deep: cover only slightly with substrate
Sowing Mix: Coir or sowing mix + sand or perlite
Alternative: fall/winter in cold frame
Germination Temperature: ca. 15-20°C
Location: bright + keep constantly moist, not wet
Germination Time: ca. 3-8 weeks
Irrigation: in the growing season regularly water
Fertilization: biweekly 0,2%ig or long-term fertilizer
Pests: Spider mites > especially under glass
Substrate: potting soil + sand or perlite
Culture: in the 1st year bright or dark at approx. 0-5ºC in unheated greennhouse + keep slightly moist only
Overwintering: After this time period older specimens can be planted outdoors.
Note: The plants will die back to the ground and return each spring.
Apr 29. Monday, 2013
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