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Echium gentianoides

Echium gentianoides


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Enzianartiger Natternkopf
(10 Korn)

vielverzweigter Strauch bis zu 70 cm mit rosettenförmig angeordneten, lanzettlichen, oberseits borstig behaarten Blättern. Die kegelförmigen Blütenstände bestehen aus zahlreichen leuchtend blau-violetten Einzelblüten mit herausragenden Staubfäden

Family:  Boraginaceae Rauhblattgewächse Borretschgewächse Evergreen:  no
Origin:  Mediterranean Fragrance: 
Group:  Shrub Flower:  blue, pale blue, dark blue
Zone:  9 Flowering:  Frühjahr-Sommer
Hibernate:  bis zu -5°C mit Winterschutz Fruits: 
To use as:  Garten, Topfgarten, Wintergarten Locations:  full sun to sun
Toxic:  Rare:  yes

Sowing Instruction
Propagation: Seeds
Pre-Treatment: soak ca. 24-48 h in lukewarm water
Sowing Time: all year round > spring/summer preferred
Sowing Deep: Light germinator! Only sprinkle on the surface of the substrate + slightly press on
Sowing Mix: Coir, cactus soil or sowing mix + 2/3 sand or perlite
Germination Temperature: ca. 18-23°C
Location: bright + keep constant slightly moist, not wet
Germination Time: ca. 3-4 weeks
Irrigation: in the growing season moderate water
Fertilization: biweekly 0,2%ig with cactus fertilizer
Pests: Spider mites > especially under glass
Substrate: potting soil + 2/3 sand or fine gravel
Culture: plant in deep pots, bright at approx. 10-15°C + keep only slightly moist
Overwintering: Older specimens can be planted in mild areas according with wet conditions and winter protection in the garden. Keep pot plants bright at approx. 5°C and constant slightly moist.
Note: drought-tolerant!
Jun 8. Monday, 2015
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Echium gentianoides Echium gentianoides Echium gentianoides
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