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Adenium 'Dancing Moon'

Adenium 'Dancing Moon'


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Wüstenrose, Desert Rose
(5 Korn)

laubabwerfender, sukkulenter, caudexbildender Strauch oder kleiner Baum mit länglich ovalen bis lanzettlichen, bis zu 10 cm langen, mittel- bis tiefgrünen, meist weiß geäderten Blättern. Die dichten, kurzgestielten Blütenstände bestehen aus trompetenförmigen, weiß-kirschrot gezeichneten, doppelten Blüten und erscheinen am Ende der Triebe

Family:  Apocynaceae Hundsgiftgewächse Evergreen:  no
Origin:  South-East Asia Fragrance: 
Group:  Succulent Flower:  multicolor
Zone:  11 Flowering: 
Hibernate:  mind. 10-15°C Fruits:  Balgfrüchte
To use as:  Topfgarten, Wintergarten, Zimmerkultur, Bonsai Locations:  full sun to sun
Toxic:  Milchsaft Rare: 

Sowing Instruction
Propagation: Seeds/Cuttings/Grafting
Pre-Treatment: 0
Sowing Time: all year round > spring preferred
Sowing Deep: ca. 0,5 cm
Sowing Mix: Coir, cactus soil or sowing mix + 2/3 sand or perlite
Germination Temperature: ca. 20-25°C
Location: bright + keep constantly moist, not wet
Germination Time: ca. 1-3 weeks
Irrigation: in the growing season moderate water
Fertilization: weekly 0,2%ig with cactus fertilizer
Pests: Spider mites > especially under glass
Substrate: cactus or potting soil + 2/3 sand or perlite
Culture: bright at a temperature of 20-25ºC + water only sporadically in small quantities + larger distances. Even indoors in a sunny window is possible.
Overwintering: Older specimens bright at approx. 10-15°C, and to water only sporadically in small amounts, not to water during the leafless time.
Note: For the flower eduction it is important to kept an absolutely dormancy period from November to end of April. Adenium likes no much too big pots, and should be repotted every 2-5 years only.
Jan 27. Friday, 2012
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