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Thalia geniculata

Thalia geniculata
Alligator Flag, Fire Flag
Synonyme: Thalia divaricata, Thalia trichocalyx, Thalia welwitschii

immergrüne bis laubabwerfende, mehrjährige Staude bis ca. 3,5 m mit zweizeilig angeordneten, ca. 70 cm langen und 20 cm breiten, breit lanzettlichen, mittelgrünen Blättern an grünen Blattstielen. Die zahlreichen, wachsartigen, purpur-weißen, 3-petaligen Blüten erscheinen an bis zu 25 cm langen, aufrechten Rispen

Option Preis Bestellmenge
10 Korn
100 Korn
incl. 7% VAT*, plus shipping costs
Family:  Marantaceae Pfeilwurzgewächse Evergreen:  no
Origin:  North America Fragrance: 
Group:  Perennial Flower:  purple, dark purple
Zone:  8 Flowering:  Sommer
Hibernate:  bis zu -12°C mit Winterschutz Fruits:  Kapseln
To use as:  Teich- und Sumpfpflanze Locations:  sun to semi-shade
Toxic:  Rare: 

Sowing Instruction
Propagation: Seeds/Division
Pre-Treatment: soak ca. 24 h in lukewarm water
Sowing Time: all year round
Sowing Deep: ca. 0,5-1 cm
Sowing Mix: Coir or sowing mix + sand or perlite
Germination Temperature: ca. 25-28°C
Location: bright + keep constantly very moist
Germination Time: ca. 2-4 weeks
Irrigation: in the growing season richly water
Fertilization: weekly 2%ig or long-term fertilizer
Substrate: potting soil + sand or perlite
Culture: in the 1st year bright at approx. 5-10ºC in unheated greennhouse + keep constant slightly moist
Overwintering: After this time period older specimens can be planted in mild regions outdoors. In unfavorable regions, winter protection is recommended.
Note: The above-ground portion dies during cooler winter.
Aug 10. Saturday, 2013
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Thalia geniculata Thalia geniculata
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